News In Brief

El Prankster, a new show hosted by Tony Abou Ghazaly, is on air


El Prankster, a new show hosted by Tony Abou Ghazaly, is on air

On the 24th of June 2020, El Prankster show was finally launched!

The show will air every Wednesday as of the 24th of this month opening its season with Mrs. Rabiaa Zayyat as a first guest.

The idea was brought to life during Covid19 times along with the rise of video call format shows.

El Prankster teasers highlight memorable funny moments with plenty of guests on the show! 

Hosted by PR personality Tony Abou Ghazaly, owner of The Agenda Beirut, El Prankster holds a spontaneous fun twist inspired by online competitions, insights and numbers : top celebrities & influencers from the MENA region were lightly pranked in a video call after a chitchat about their social media performance. 

The idea of the show was presented by the director Farah Alameh and produced by Natural Star in hopes to bring some positivity and laughter during hard times we're all suffering from.

Thirteen episodes will air on the official channel of El Prankster along with Alaan Tv & 3eesh Al Aan Online channels.

The guests appearance includes: Rabiaa Al Zayyat, Jenny Esber, Shukran Mourtaja, Ghina Ghandour, Amal Bouchoucha, Wissam Sabbagh, Ghina Ghandour, Blogger Wana Be (Sara Zeaiter), Bader Salah, Fahed Sal, Dalalati Twins, Haikal Twins, Mohammad Abbas & Rana Samaha.