News In Brief

Herbalife Nutrition supports Lebanon through ‘Paddle for Beirut’ initiative


Herbalife Nutrition supports Lebanon through ‘Paddle for Beirut’ initiative

Lebanon has suffered significantly during the past 10 years. Besides the refugee and financial crisis, on August 4 a deadly blast at the port of Beirut killed more than 160 people, wounded at least 6,000, and destroyed a part of the Lebanese capital. More than 80,000 families have suffered significant losses and damage to their homes.

Herbalife Nutrition, the global nutrition and weight management company, has responded immediately to the call for help and through the Herbalife Nutrition Foundation (HNF) is helping to raise funds in order to support local relief efforts.

Herbalife Nutrition reaffirms its conviction for social responsibility by supporting the "Paddle for Beirut" charitable initiative. “Paddle for Beirut” is inspired by Christis Michaelides and aims to raise awareness of Lebanon’s crises and funds for supporting the Lebanese Red Cross (LRC).

Christis will paddle on a SUP board from Cyprus to Beirut on 15th October 2020.  The crossing is 200km and will take three days to complete.

The money will be raised through the Herbalife Nutrition Foundation (HNF), whose mission is to improve children's lives by helping organizations provide healthy nutrition to children in need. Furthermore, the HNF often supports disaster relief efforts, such as the explosion in Lebanon.

All funds raised from the “Paddle for Beirut” inititiave will be donated directly to the Lebanese Red Cross. The bulk of LRC’s efforts will be to provide direct, unconditional financial support to up to 10,000 of the most affected families.