Ads of the Week Bridgestone MEA and Serviceplan ME present ‘Eyes on Ramadan’, an ode to the fleet drivers of Saudi Arabia ‘Eyes on Road’, Bridgestone’s annual wellness and road safety campaign, launches third edition during the month of Ramadan
Events/Awards Serviceplan’s MINI campaign in pole position in AdForum’s Business Creative Report AdForum launches its latest Business Creative Report: a ranking of the world’s most awarded ads.
Ads of the Week BMW 7 series' ‘Forwardism’ campaign by Serviceplan Middle East signals new era of automotive excellence ‘Forwardism comes home’ is the new BMW 7 Series’ campaign created by Serviceplan Middle East
Advertising Shaqille O’Neal highlights the appeal of Abu Dhabi in 'Big News with Shaq' campaign by Serviceplan ME and Dejavu
Free Talk Gaming as a channel: how to increase your brand's marketing success through gaming Charbel Jreijri, General Manager at Mediaplus Middle East, discusses how brands can effectively leverage the emerging trend of gaming as...
Industry Talk How brands can help save lives Many of today’s most successful brands have been taking a stand on topics ranging from global warming to political conflicts....
Events/Awards LOERIES 2022: IMPACT BBDO wins big as UAE agencies dominate show The 44th edition of The Loeries Awards has come to an end and what a triumph for the Middle East...
Advertising NFT: a brave new world? The region’s advertising agencies have begun to embrace the world of NFTs. Is this the beginning of a new era...
Ads of the Week Serviceplan Experience rolls out a lighthearted film for Abdul Latif Jameel Motors capturing the true dynamics of Ramadan Serviceplan Experience have created a lighthearted film for Abdul Latif Jameel Motors (Toyota distributor), celebrating the return of family gatherings...
Advertising Dubai Science Park aims to wake people up from self-doubt in ‘Hostages of Depression’ campaign by Serviceplan ME
Advertising The new Museum of Sound campaign by Serviceplan ME marks BMW’s entry into the world of NFTs
News In Brief MINI invites test drivers to ‘circle around’ and ‘look for unusual bumps’ during Breast Cancer Awareness month