Ads of the Week The Road to Mecca’, a docuseries and journey for the soul presented by Mercedes-Benz Middle East
Ads of the Week McCafé new campaign sets the beat of a new generation coffee drinkers McDonald’s in the Gulf has launched McCafé’s new brand platform ‘For Every Beat of the Day’ to refresh consumers’ perception...
Ads of the Week SKYN and Sid Lee Paris Turn 2.14.2022 into vALLentine’s Day celebrating all types of love Historically, marketing on Valentine’s Day has been focused on his-her couples, leaving a lot of people out. Sid Lee Paris’...
Advertising The UAE Government Media Office shares a touching story to promote “The World’s Coolest Winter”
Advertising French Agency Herezie Launches 'Monopoly of Inequalities' January 10th 2022, the Observatory of Inequalities and french independant agency Herezie launched an educational toolbox dubbed the “Monopoly of...
Ads of the Week Cartier and Publicis Luxe present the 'LOVE IS ALL' film, an uplifting ode to timeless love