Events/Awards Walid Kanaan: ‘We will keep pushing onward and upward’ Walid Kanaan, Chief Creative Officer TBWARAAD, answers our questions with regard to this years' Dubai Lynx edition.
Events/Awards Joe Abou-Khaled: 'Dubai Lynx is a celebration of Arab advertising' Joe Abou-Khaled, Regional Creative Director, IMPACT BBDO MENA shares his take on Dubai Lynx 2019 edition.
Events/Awards Alok Gadkar: ‘Winning a Grand Prix is really difficult’ Dubai Lynx 2019 edition, drew a multitude of reactions that included praise and criticism, but also accusations that the entire...
Events/Awards 2019 Dubai Lynx Award Winners Revealed The Dubai Lynx Awards Ceremony, held the evening of March 13, brought the 2019 Festival to a close with an...
Advertising Jon Hamm, on Creativity, Innovation and Technology Jon Hamm is passionate about ideas that sit at the intersection of brand, content, experience and technology. Today, the adman...
Advertising Our stories are on life-support, where do we go from here? asks Thomas Kolster Thomas Kolster, aka Mr. Goodvertising is a man on a mission, one of the early pioneers in the do-good space...
Events/Awards Dubai Lynx 2018: A night to remember? Should a documentary win film’s highest accolade? Did orientalism blind juries? How significant was the Publics Groupe boycott? Just a...
Advertising When reputation produced growth Awards shows are akin to a sugar rush and have little impact on agencies’ revenue streams or reputation, argues Leo...
Advertising Advertising Awards: Counting the Costs Agencies spend millions of dollars a year on advertising awards across the world. Here’s a look at how much it...
Events/Awards How the Lynx was won Three of this year’s Dubai Lynx jury presidents discuss the categories they judged, why certain campaigns won, and what needs...
Events/Awards A Grand Dispute For the first time in its history a grand prix winner was booed at the Dubai Lynx. ArabAd investigates
Events/Awards Dubai Lynx 2017: BBDO Wins Agency and Network of the Year Impact BBDO Dubai has been named agency of the year for the second year in a row at the annual...
Events/Awards ‘I just don’t give a damn about algorithms’ The march of ad tech and the proliferation of awards categories are issues that the Dubai Lynx and all other...
Advertising Jean-Paul Burge: "We need to ensure the creative product works" Jean-Paul Burge, chairman and CEO of BBDO Asia and the president of the creative effectiveness jury at the Dubai Lynx,...