Advertising To Moms with much love and a slice of marketing The commercial heaven of Valentine’s Day, and the heart-shaped campaigns behind us, here came Mother's Day and with it a...
Advertising Comparing Apples to Creative Oranges Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. Lebanese apples have taken a major hit because of imported competition so much...
Advertising Halloween: Pump(kin) up the volume! Halloween is the newest addition to the festivities that engulf Lebanon and which is imported from elsewhere. No matter what,...
Advertising Wake me up when October ends October is here and with it the Breast Cancer Awareness Month - the rest of the cancers will have to...
Advertising Lebanese Army Day: of Atrocities in Camouflage The Lebanese Army is renowned for producing classic advertising. Some of the most memorable are the "Who said blood does...
Advertising Ramadan Advertising: Mine Eyes Have Seen the Lantern, but not the Light If one looks at this year’s ads for Ramadan, and this year is neither better and nor worse than any...
Ads of the Week All You Need is Love Valentine day, a day when we are all reminded by numerous marketing campaigns to celebrate love. Here are a sample...