Advertising Far from pitch perfect It may be a platitude that’s become a glaring generalisation, but the phrase ‘the pitch process is broken’ is as...
Advertising The age of the independent? More and more people are being drawn to the idea of starting their own agency. Why? And unless these new...
Digital Adapt or die If your expertise lies in digital, data or content creation you should be laughing in a job market that is...
Advertising Going it alone Many people dream of starting their own agency. But how difficult is it and what are the practicalities involved?
Industry Talk The Hunting Grounds Independent agencies are being snapped up at an increasing rate globally, but not here in the Middle East. Why?
Advertising Advertising Awards: Counting the Costs Agencies spend millions of dollars a year on advertising awards across the world. Here’s a look at how much it...
Digital Dubai-Based Communication Agencies on Facebook: Our Top Picks MENA-based advertising agencies have failed to build a sustainable presence or set an effective communication strategy on Facebook, as their...
Digital Dubai-Based Comms Agencies on Instagram: Our Top Picks After tracking the posting patterns of the region’s top advertising agencies on Instagram, we noticed the sheer absence of a...
Digital Dubai-Based Ad Agencies on Twitter: Our Top Picks Despite their relatively shy presence on Facebook and Instagram, a significant majority of Dubai-based ad agencies are better off on...
Digital Lebanese Ad Agencies on Instagram: Our Top Picks It is quite astonishing to see Lebanese advertising agencies, who often handle the Instagram strategies of a multitude of local...
Digital Lebanese Ad Agencies on Facebook: Our Top Picks It seems Lebanese ad agencies fare better on Facebook than they do on Instagram as most of them have established...
Industry Talk An Agency Will Live and Die by its Culture Nadim Khoury, Chief Operating Officer, Grey Group MENA discusses the importance of an open culture within an agency, which he...
Advertising Ad Agencies Unite to Spread HOPE Initiated by Pikasso, the ‘HOPE’ campaign, which debuted mid December with a visual teaser that strictly read the word Hope...