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A Bond of Brotherhood Forged in War-Torn Lebanon Narrated in 102 Brotherhood. Fortitude. Purpose by Ibrahim and Jad Lahoud

Ghada Azzi


A Bond of Brotherhood Forged in War-Torn Lebanon Narrated in 102 Brotherhood. Fortitude. Purpose by Ibrahim and Jad Lahoud
This book is a recollection of stories experienced by the authors, two brothers narrating their journey through a five-year period of a turbulent and ravaging Lebanese War. They narrate the problems of young teenagers trapped into this transient lifestyle where the absence of a father, schooling, a sense of safety and hope are limited or completely missing.

The authors, Ibrahim aka Eby and Jad recounts their tumultuous childhood growing up during the civil war--a life punctuated by daily deprivation and death-- with not much to do, either go into exile or engage in the military. What they rather chose to do is enroll in the Red Cross, joining the 102 Unit.

Their enlistment with the Lebanese Red Cross during the war was unarguably one of the most formative experiences of their life, and it provided much of the source material for the book. They introduce us to a side of the story that has rarely, if ever, been told, exposed to the stench of death, having witnessed through their missions the dark grim apocalypse of Sabra and Chatila massacres, the assassination of Bashir Gemayel, the suicide attempts on the US Marines HQ, the assassination of the US ambassador, the Souk el Gharb battles…

The authors have managed to deliver an entirely fresh and absorbing account about war events from a new perspective, hence bringing to light valuable new material on this period of the Lebanese war.

This story of an amazing brotherhood in a war-torn country and their enlisting in the Red Cross may well have helped the authors to reconcile their painful experiences. It is a story of brotherhood, comradeship, forgiveness, resilience and hope that shows how two brothers discover renewed purpose.

This book is for whoever is willing to delve deeply into details about the exposure to the atrocities of a war that had such a tremendous impact on the young generation that went through it.

The authors manage to give a frank account of the hardship of life during war, without being bitter. Ironically, the hardship seemed to eventually strengthen them.

Unlike other non-fiction, which can sometimes become monotonous, this account holds the readers’ interest and wanting to read more. This book is hard to put down and riveting, it reads very fast. Very eye-opening. The stories are powerful, heart-wrenching, and unforgettable. Also buried between the covers are pearls of hope, wisdom, humor, and resilience.

102 is one captivating book that is a pleasure to read, immersive just as much as it is refreshing in subject and approach, and it will help illuminate the past while it challenges most of the new generation to rethink how they see and judge Lebanon’s war years.

About the authors:

Ibrahim Lahoud is a renowned figure in the communications industry having started his career in the 80s. In 2016, he co-founded Brand Tribe, a Beirut-based brand consulting firm, which he manages.

Jad Lahoud lives in the US with his family since 1992. He co-owns  a successful General Contracting and Real Estate company.

The Book:

102 Brotherhood. Fortitude. Purpose – A story of war and reconciliation

By Ibrahim Lahoud & Jad Lahoud

Published by Noir Blanc Et Caetera