Free Talk
Georges Kyrillos, A Creative Director Who’s Yet to Use His Swiss Knife
What gets you up in the morning?
What do you enjoy most about your job?
Strategic thinking.
Who do you ultimately want to become?
A good dad.
What is your greatest extravagance?
A banana from Starbucks.
What’s your motto in life?
Never complain; never explain.
What keeps you in the game?
What keeps you up at night?
I work hard so I can sleep like a log.
What would be your worst nightmare?
Plagiarizing myself.
What inspires you most?
Everything that moves.
What music have you been listening to lately?
What is the gadget you cannot live without?
My Swiss army knife. I have never used it, though.
What can we find on your phone?
Old cars pictures, if you want to see them follow me on Instagram.
What quality do you most look up to in a woman?
What quality do you most look up to in a friend?
Who would you like to sit next to on a seven-hour flight?
Siri, she doesn’t initiate conversations.
If you could live for one day the life of another person, who would it be?
Definitely Harry Truman - August 6, 1945 - in order not to make the biggest mistake ever.
If you could have dinner with someone, living or dead, who would it be; and what question would you ask him/her?
Mark Zuckerberg.
What’s on your mind?
If you were to be reincarnated, what would you like to come back as?
A Cedrus Libani.
If you were to change profession, what would you choose to do?
A chef.
What do you consider to be the greatest headline of all time?
In an Absolut world.
What business tip would you give the newbies?
The free trial is over, now you have to pay to play.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
I have no idea.
Where can we find you on a Friday night?
If you could choose one superhero power, what would it be and why?
Body manipulation.
What would you do if you won the lottery?
I don’t buy lottery.
What is the one word you catch yourself saying too often?
What would you like to be doing five years from now?
Finishing my movie script. (وصفة نهائية)
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
Right now? Walking on a Sandy beach.
What’s the last book you read or movie you saw?
Book: When Hitler Took Cocaine and Lenin Lost His Brain.
Movie: Chinese Coffee.
What is the one thing you wish you have designed?
Sticky Notes.
I am... a pescatarian.
I like… watching 5-Minute Crafts on Instagram.
I want... one less thing to worry about.
I have... more than I deserve.
I hate... Bemyeh w Riz.
I fear... death.
I Google... places on Google Maps.
I wonder... where to park.
I regret... lots of things.
I wish... to travel each and every highway.
I love... Eliane.
I need... one more cup of coffee.
If I ruled the world... I am afraid I’ll be a dictator.
I dream… day and night.
My Favourite…
Dream Destination: Among the places I visited, I loved Slovenia.
Restaurant: Chef Georges, Batroun old Souk.
Hotel: Triglav Hotel.
Meal: Raw Fish.
Quote: Never answer when you’re angry, never promise when you’re happy, never make a decision when you’re sad.
Book: The Bible.
Movie: Dans La Maison.
Flower: The favourite flower of my wife, the violet.
Animal: All animals.
Poet: Saiid Akl.
Music/band: Fairuz
Painter: Vincent Van Gogh.
Heroes: Martyrs.