Free Talk

The Unbearable Okayness of Everything

Christina Fakhry


The Unbearable Okayness of Everything

The desire for change expressed loudly in the streets is hindered by an illusion of normalcy eating quietly at the hearts.

A startling viciousness of play-pretend okayness.

And it’s NOT okay.

  • It’s NOT okay to be okay with nothing being okay.
  • It’s NOT okay to be okay with everyone being okay with everything not being okay.
  • It’s NOT okay to be okay with nothing being okay and everyone being okay with everything not being okay.

The fight is NOT over.

The external battle against the rottenness of the system must first be fought internally against the systematic disillusionment of okayness.

A heroic daily act of fighting for oneself against oneself.

Against the fundamental human need of seeking stability that often comes at the price of settling for okayness.

  • Okayness is the lack of insight.
  • Okayness is the absence of meaning.
  • Okayness is the death of opportunity.

And it’s the very comfort we find in okayness that makes us tired.

And will continue to wear us out until we either deliberately denounce the luxury of okayness or helplessly collapse under an inevitable atomic explosion of unokayness.

Now is the time to ask yourself how much more okayness you are willing to put up with.

To be honest with yourself about the existential choice between surviving in stability and living with dignity.

To open your mouth and scream in the face of the unbearable okayness of everything.

To wake up to a slightly more okay less okay of a nation.