News In Brief
Pikasso supports WOO in worldwide #oursecondchance DOOH campaign
The global out of home industry is launching a worldwide digital out of home (DOOH) campaign created by UK creative agency New Commercial Arts with production and distribution managed by Grand Visual.
Managed by the World Out of Home Organization (WOO), the campaign entitled #OurSecondChance launches is rapidly achieving global coverage, as OOH media companies and National Trade Associations the world over sign up to support what will be the largest ever worldwide Digital OOH campaign.
It is the first major ad campaign from New Commercial Arts, the agency formed in May by adam&eve founders James Murphy and David Golding along with Ian Heartfield from BBH and Rob Curran from Wunderman Thompson.
As WOO President Tom Goddard says “Our Second Chance reflects the new post Covid world, in a non-partisan way and highlights the opportunity it gives citizens across the world, to consider their priorities and aspirations.
“New Commercial Arts has produced a stunning campaign that shows the OOH industry at its best and most striking it is a reminder to advertisers and agencies that, as the world re-opens for business, OOH remains the only true global broadcast medium.”
OAAA President & CEO Anna Bager commented “The campaign imagery is strikingly beautiful and the messages are compelling; everything an OOH ad should be. OAAA is honored to have participated in the campaign’s development and will enthusiastically encourage our members to support this important initiative.”
New Commercial Arts Chief Creative Officer Ian Heartfield stated “This was a big brief and a terrific opportunity for the agency to demonstrate its capabilities in a medium we love on a global stage at a pivotal point in time.”
Pikasso is one of the many proud media owners to take part in the #oursecondchance global campaign. The Beirut-based outdoor company joined the global initiative and diffused and displayed across 10 countries the visuals on the company's DOOH inventory, which were placed in prime Classic Roadside Rooftops and Unipoles.
#OurSecondChance will run in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, the Far East and Middle East. The campaign asks the viewing public if the unintended consequences of the COIVD-19 pandemic – such as lowered pollution levels and friendlier human interactions – will continue into 2021 and beyond.
The campaign is running for the duration of August and according to World OOH News, as of 11 August there are 163 media owners and other companies contributing in 49 countries. The posters are appearing in eight languages and so far, there have been 2 216 asset downloads. The campaign is on track to be the biggest out of home campaign ever with new media owners joining all the time.
Alongside the massive DOOH campaign will be a major social initiative with the hashtag #OurSecondChance deploying Twitter polls to explore consumer attitudes to the choices and opportunities presented in a world changed by Covid-19.