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The Immortal Awards Announces Middle East and Africa Shortlist and Finalists


The Immortal Awards Announces Middle East and Africa Shortlist and Finalists

The Immortal Awards has today unveiled the shortlist and finalists from the Middle East and Africa, following a virtual round of judging on Tuesday 19th October, hosted in partnership with global partners Nice Shoes.

The Immortal Awards, hosted by Little Black Book and free to enter for all of the platform’s members, successfully introduced regional judging last year and is now introducing local rounds for 2021.

In total, the 12 highest scoring projects from across the first round of MEA judging made this year’s shortlist. These 12 projects were then debated by a regional jury in a virtual round of discussions to determine which projects, if any, should receive finalist status. Four MEA entries have been selected as finalists and have qualified for the final, global round of judging. 

This final round of judging will take place on Thursday 18th November, in which all regional finalists will compete for an Immortal Award or Commendation status.

Those on the MEA jury were Tahaab Rais (President, MENAT SLC, Regional Head of Strategy & Truth Central), Yasmina Boustani (Associate Creative Director, Impact BBDO), Eddy Rizk (Owner and Managing Director, Big Kahuna), Ryan Reed (Chief Creative Officer, M&C Saatchi UAE), Paul Banham (Regional Executive Creative Director, MullenLowe MENA), Rodrigo Rodrigues (Executive Creative Director, Horizon FCB), Neo Segola (Chief Creative Officer, DraftLine JHB - part of SAB ABInBev), Shagorika Heryani (Regional Head of Strategy Middle East & North Africa, Grey Group AMEA), Xolisa Dyeshana (Chief Creative Officer, Joe Public United), Roanna Williams (Chief Creative Officer, Net#workBBDO), James Cloete (Executive Creative Partner, M&C Saatchi Abel), Amr Singh (Co-Founder and Director, FORT) and Melina McDonald (Executive Producer, Darling Films).



The Immortal Awards 2021 MEA Finalists - Brand - Project (Entrant Company)

MINI - MINImalism (Serviceplan Middle East)

Pizza Hut - Offline Hour (M&C Saatchi UAE)

TENA - Despair No More  (BIG KAHUNA FILMS Dubai)

UAE Government Media Office - Double Moon  (MullenLowe MENA)



The Immortal Awards 2021 MEA Shortlist - Brand - Project (Entrant Company)

Chicken Licken - They Also Crave It (Chocolate Tribe) 

Etisalat - The Wider Web (Impact BBDO) 

Friends of Cancer Patients - The Self-Exam Emoji (Horizon FCB Dubai)

Home Centre - A Dad's Job (FP7 McCann Dubai)

Knorr - Rooftop Farms (FP7 McCann Cairo)

MINI - MINImalism (Serviceplan Middle East)

Mobily - ProtectSet (MullenLowe Dubai)

Pizza Hut - Offline Hour (M&C Saatchi UAE) 

TECOM Group -  Dubai Science Park - Stuck: An Uncomfortable Cinematic Experience (McCann Health Dubai)

TENA - Despair No More (BIG KAHUNA FILMS Dubai) 

TikTok - #CreateForGood (Classic Partnership) 

UAE Government Media Office - Double Moon (MullenLowe Dubai)