
Out Now: Epica Book 29

ArabAd staff


Out Now: Epica Book 29

From prestigious London publisher Bloomsbury, the Epica Book represents 400 pages of creative inspiration. All the winners and selected high scoring entries are featured, plus exclusive interviews with the grand prix winners – taking you behind the scenes of the creative process.

Beautifully illustrated with over 1000 colour images, the Epica Book showcases more than 850 creative projects honoured at the 2015 Epica.

Moreover, the book features interviews with prominent admen, including David Lubars, Chairman and chief creative officer, BBDO; Ben Tollett: Executive creative director, Adam&eveDDB; Malcolm Poynton: Global chief creative officer, Cheil; Bas Korsten: Executive creative director, J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam and many more.

In the introduction, Matt Eastwood, worldwide chief creative officer of J. Walter Thompson, comments: “The awards are a celebration of curiosity. Judged by journalists; the people whose very profession demands them to be relentlessly curious.”

The Epica Book is available from the Epica Awards website, publisher Bloomsbury and selected art and design bookstores around the world. Of course, all entrants to the 2015 Epica Awards will receive a free copy of this book, which is an indispensable and unique source of information and inspiration for all those interested in contemporary worldwide advertising trends.