Ads of the Week
The Reality of Life with MS Experienced by an Ad Woman
ArabAd staff
The video, created for the Rocky Mountain MS Center at which Kim Ball was a keynote speaker at a gala early September, interviews her daughter, Sienna, speaking about the daily realities of life with her mom.
The film depicts Sienna riding on a skateboard behind her mom's wheelchair through the streets of Paris. What's touching is her honesty -- she mentions sometimes how she doesn't want people to know about her mother having MS, because she wants to be treated "normally" -- and the mature way in which she focuses on the positives, not the negatives, of living with someone who has the disease.
It makes for an inspiring and thought-provoking film. From the perspective of the creative team, we were incredibly moved to discover something we hadn't realised about someone whom we work with regularly -- perhaps an all-too-common reality in a world so reliant on digital and mobile communications.