Ads of the Week
Lebanon Calls Expats in Demco’s TVC
Rana Bou Saada
Rather than capitalizing on its commercial assets - as real estate companies usually do –, Demco Properties takes a non-cliché turn, addressing Lebanese expats and asking them to come back home. Adrenaline Communications has revealed to ArabAd that the spot was shot in less than 12 hours. In fact, in compliance with Demco’s demand, the entire TVC was delivered in 72 hours!
The spot’s main character (and also target audience) is an accomplished Lebanese expatriate. While working at his office, he gets an unexpected phone call from his homeland. Lebanon confides to him that he has gone through a hard time and has worked hard to get back on track.
Touched by this sincere conversation, the man looks at his family photos and nostalgically remembers the good times spent in his country. Fortunately, Lebanon assures him that “[he’s] back on [his] feet again.” What he still needs is the return of expats, to accompany him on his journey towards success.
The commercial aired on CNN Europe, CNN Middle-East and CNN North Africa, on the 8th and 9th of November. With the U.S. presidential elections being held on November 8, the spot must have reached a huge audience of Lebanese immigrants.
Interesting to note that a Lebanese president has been recently elected, ending a presidential vacuum that lasted for more than two years. It is thus the perfect time to reconnect with Lebanese expats, promising them a brighter future.
The spot was also widely shared on social media. It amassed more than 5.9 thousand likes and 340 comments on Demco Properties’ official Facebook page, to the date of writing this article.
While most people agreed on feeling proud and happy to watch this patriotic commercial, some expats argued that returning to their homeland can only harm them. However, both positive and negative comments reflect the TVC’s success, as people have extensively interacted with it and considered its call to come back to Lebanon.
Client: Demco Properties
Ad Agency: Adrenalin Communications
Creative Director: Wadih Elias
Creative Copy Writer: Adriana Lebbos
Production House: EFX Films