Free Talk
Roger Sahyoun: Probing a sincere mind
"Here’s a man who did the world favours and expected nothing in return."
What kills you most?
What gets you up in the morning?
My responsibilities.
What happened to your childhood dreams?
They are still being fulfilled as we speak.
What distinguishes you from others?
What do you need most?
Peace of mind.
Do you think that anyone can become an artist?
Yes, there’s an artist lurking within every one of us.
Where are you from?
Do you feel your situation is enviable?
Perhaps, but I don’t look around.
What have you given up on?
A personal life.
What do you do with your money?
Spend it on leisure and recreational activities for my family and myself.
What moves you?
My ambitions.
What are your favourite pleasures?
Women and poker.
What would you like to receive for your birthday?
To be surrounded by my family.
Name three living artists that you hate most.
I don’t even hate my enemies, as they have no effect on me.
What or whom do you defend?
People in need.
What are you capable of refusing?
Excuses and negative results.
What are you capable of doing in the name of love?
What are you blamed for?
Being too honest and transparent.
What does art bring to you?
It brings colours to life.
Who do you think you are?
An achiever.
What drives you nuts?
Grey areas.
Write your own epitaph.
Here’s a man who did the world favours and expected nothing in return.
Under what form would you like to come back as?
A fish, because it can’t sink!
What was the last book you read?
Kamal Joumblat.
Do you like animals?
Yes, indeed.
Why did you choose advertising?
Advertising chose me.
Who is the woman of your dreams? Honestly!
Don’t laugh, but honestly, it’s my wife!
What is your philosophy in life?
Life is too short; enjoy every moment as if it were your last.
What is the most important thing in your life?
Family, business, health, and friends (if any).
What would you say if you talked to an alien? How would you draw an alien?
I can’t draw to save my life and I still haven’t learnt to speak ‘Martianese’.