Ads of the Week

Khoury Home: The ad that Gets It Right for Christmas

Tarek Chemaly


Khoury Home: The ad that Gets It Right for Christmas

The TVC executions, funny as they may be, differ slightly from the print ads. But the TVCs in their way are just as funny. 




Well, you picked the wrong gift, you know it, you try to trick Khoury Home's friendly but bewildered staffers into exchanging them - a tie, a high heel - against a product you just know the recipient would love. Excellent casting of truly annoying shoppers and friendly, but helpless staff. Enough to spread the cheer - and laughter - this Christmas time!




Agency: M&C Saatchi

Production House: Intaj

Director: Jad Eid

DOP: Rachel Aoun

Post Production: Lila Post

Sound Design: Harry Hedeshian