Industry Talk

Myrna Abou Mrad: Ahead to Full Circle Adventures


Myrna Abou Mrad: Ahead to Full Circle Adventures

The announcement of your departure was unexpected considering that your future plans had not been made clear, so what prompted this move?

Everyone reaches a tipping point in life driving one to make bold moves. 2016 marked the 20th anniversary of my career in Communication at BBDO; throughout, I was feeling the urge to fly solo, to put my dreams into motion and overcome the internal fear and self-doubt. I did it and it is looking fabulous so far. The market response was immediate and positive.

What can you tell us about The Full Circles, the company you just established? 

The Full Circles is a start-up agency that offers traditional PR and engagement in many ways. I work with freelancers - the worldwide trend now; I co-share platforms and I enjoy a lot of brainstorming time alone or with groups of friends in non-conventional set-ups.

What are some of the accounts you are currently handling?

It’s too premature to talk about a client base yet I can assure you that the start was far better than expected.

Having worked in the PR field for over two decades, what has changed in the clients’ mentality and the field itself?

The market is ripe with opportunities, considering the new trends, new sectors and a new generation of executives waiting to prove themselves and counting on new partners and dialogues to do so. Clients want to see results. Clients want exclusive concepts based on engagement, influence, ROI, contributions, and thought leadership, all of which are not only buzz words but will help square the circle.