Belhasa Driving School, MullenLowe MENA introduce the 100 Meters Blind Test aimed at improving road safety
Karim Bourgi and MullenLowe MENA fight cyberbullying and apologize on behalf of the internet with Chocapologies campaign
French Agency Herezie Launches 'Monopoly of Inequalities' January 10th 2022, the Observatory of Inequalities and french independant agency Herezie launched an educational toolbox dubbed the “Monopoly of...
Thomas Kolster: ‘There’s a widening gap between brands saintlike messaging and people’ Marketing & sustainability expert, Thomas Kolster, wonders “Where’s the do-good space heading?”
Is the digital agency dead? What is the relevance of digital only agencies in a world where all agencies are now digital first?
Lucy Atkinson: 'Millennials do talk the talk, but walk the walk with less conviction' The world's best marcom scientist on... Advertising as a force for good
The National and Havas ME create the first-ever ‘plantable’ newspaper for the UAE 50th National Day The UAE’s first-ever ‘plantable’ newspaper is published as a tribute to the UAE’S 50th jubilee
Sidaction and The Good Company put condoms back on screen as a reminder to young people Here is a project put together by creative agency The Good Company and French NGO Sidaction (SIDA=AIDS) to raise awareness...