Events/Awards Three women from MENA among winners of The Next Creative Leaders 2021 competition The global top 10 and Regional winners for Next Creative Leaders (NCL) 2021, a free competition run jointly with The...
Advertising Natasha Maasri on Making a Difference in a Time of Crisis Returning to Lebanon has been a baptism of fire for Leo Burnett Beirut’s executive creative director, Natasha Romariz Maasri, but...
Advertising Lebanon Ad Land: Shattered Dreams and Broken Hearts Centred on the areas closest to the Port of Beirut, the city’s advertising and media community was hit hard by...
Ads of the Week Always Arabia #DreamDareDo New Campaign Reminds Girls They Are Born Brave Girls are taught from an early age to play it safe, unlike boys who are pushed to be courageous. The...
Free Talk Nada Abi Saleh: ‘I am one and several’ we are granted an Up ‘n Close’ glimpse into the mind and heart of Leo Burnett’s MD, Nada Abi Saleh,...
Advertising Advertising as a Positive Force for Good Advertising that can help save the world from itself has risen in importance. But is it coming from a genuine...
Ads of the Week An Uplifting Message by Johnnie Walker: The Resourceful Don’t Wait For years Johnnie Walker has provided momentary motivation to Lebanese on the road. To over half a million of them...
Industry Talk Peter Mouracade: the Race is On Peter Mouracade, the former Head of Communication at Leo Burnett Beirut has recently taken on the role of CEO of...
Advertising Show me where you work Leo Burnett... and I’ll tell you who you are After two episodes of this new series, let’s aim for the stars. Leo Burnett is generally regarded as the leading...
Advertising My Life in Ads with Sabine Massaad Sabine Massaad, communication manager at Leo Burnett, Beirut reflects on the ads that paved the way to a promising career...
Digital Lebanese Ad Agencies on Facebook: Our Top Picks It seems Lebanese ad agencies fare better on Facebook than they do on Instagram as most of them have established...
Events/Awards Leo Burnett Beirut, Raising the Bar and Setting the Benchmark Lebanon is renowned as well as infamous for reasons far too many to name. The small Arab country overlooking the...
Ads of the Week Potato-Batata Here is a piece of content in the form of a hip-hop video telling the tale of a bi-cultural divide...