Ads of the Week

An Uplifting Message by Johnnie Walker: The Resourceful Don’t Wait

Fady Mansour


An Uplifting Message by Johnnie Walker: The Resourceful Don’t Wait
For years Johnnie Walker has provided momentary motivation to Lebanese on the road. To over half a million of them who commute by car into and out of Beirut daily, the Scotch whiskey’s Striding Man logo is a familiar sight and its timeless tagline “Keep Walking” an echo of their desire to move, if not literally through heavy traffic at least figuratively-speaking.

As part of the Keep Walking Lebanon campaign, the brand’s uplifting message is reiterated and amplified in a new film by Leo Burnett titled “The Resourceful Don’t Wait”. The 2:21 minute long ad is an allegory of the Lebanese human condition, depicting how despite the incidence and persistence of obstacles in the country its resourceful people keep moving forward.



Beginning with the recognizable sound of honking as heard from inside a car stuck in evening traffic, the ad follows a young professional as he walks out of his vehicle to realize that many others have already abandoned theirs following the traffic standstill. By sunrise, the unfortunate lot seems to have adapted to the situation—except for a disgruntled bride in her wedding dress who must have missed her wedding. While some are keeping busy with recreational fun, backgammon, cards, and even knitting, others are going through their morning beauty rituals. Coffee is being served indicating that the mountainous road has become a makeshift home.

The young professional keeps walking, joined by the bride and others, until he locates the obstacle, a giant rock, and rallies those around him to remove it together. While they are pushing the rock with all their might and as it rolls away, the following message appears  “When things come to a standstill, those who find a way to keep going can find a way to keep walking. The resourceful don’t wait. Keep Walking Lebanon.”



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