Advertising Alessandro Manfredi: ‘Purpose is not a fad; it is just a much better way of doing business’
Ads of the Week Memac Ogilvy and Dove launch an empowering campaign that carries the beauty brand’s Self Esteem Project Memac Ogilvy and Dove partner to encourage a positive relationship with beauty following a research commissioned by Dove in Saudi...
News In Brief World Out of Home Organization schedules ‘Sustainability in OOH’ top panel for MENA regional Forum
Advertising MMS and LUX Arabia put women in the spotlight with new campaign that aims to redefine femininity What drives the way society looks at strong and successful women compared to men? How can it be changed, and...
Digital Social Enterprise Thankyou Launches a Bold Initiative to Help End Extreme Poverty by Seeking Partnership with Competitors P&G and Unilever Thankyou, an Australian based social enterprise is taking a bold step to help end extreme poverty globally. To achieve this...
Digital The Client Dilemma All agencies, be they advertising, media or PR, are vying for clients’ digital budgets. But are clients in the process...
Advertising ABG, a New Industry Body to Promote Ethical Advertising A new advertising association has been launched in the UAE to promote ethical and responsible advertising across the Middle East.