Ads of the Week

Nissan Middle East Shares Smart Advices to Saving Millions of Lives on the Road

ArabAd staff


Nissan Middle East Shares Smart Advices to Saving Millions of Lives on the Road

Nissan, one of the leading automotive brands in the Gulf countries, is at the forefront of developing high-tech safety technologies in their vehicles. As a brand who wants to demonstrate its commitment to the road safety cause, Nissan rolled out a campaign designed to enhance public awareness about some key issues and guidelines while promoting safer driving.
Partnering with three of the brightest minds in the Middle East, the company conveyed its message through three pieces of video content, created by TBWARaad, each focusing on one of the three key issues Nissan decided to tackle: speeding, texting and tailgating.
Instead of imploring the viewers to be mindful of basic safety rules, each video starts by highlighting the various achievements of these celebrated figures in their fields, thus positioning them as the ones who’ve discovered THE solution to safe driving.
At the peak of the anticipation, each professor ends up revealing that the solution to preventing car accidents and saving millions of lives is simply just not to do any of it: no speeding, no texting, no tailgating, hence reinforcing the idea that safe driving is not rocket science!

A powerful campaign thanks to a surprising storytelling approach and a simple message conveyed by influencers of a new kind.


CCO: Walid Kanaan
ECDs: Manuel Borde - Bruno Bomediano -
Associate Creative Directors: Alex Pineda - Oswaldo Sa
Motion Designer: Camilo Rojas
Head of Production: Rouba Asmar
Senior Producer: Gloria Abu Diwan