News In Brief

ACT Responsible 2021 Exhibition Opens 21 June


ACT Responsible 2021 Exhibition Opens 21 June

Starting June 21st, ACT Responsible 2021 Exhibition will be revealed on on the opening day of Cannes Lions Live.

ACT Responsible opted for a digital exhibition allowing people from all over the world to visit from home. Through this platform, created by e-artsup School of Design students, visitors can easily navigate the exhibition and discover the latest creative ideas for Good. 

“Mirroring our peculiar daily lives during the pandemic, the exhibition is introduced with a video call gathering our active members, all connecting from their countries but still very much together on the subject of responsible advertising. The concept “ACT is calling” illustrates the mission of the association, calling both visitors and the advertising industry, creating a meeting point for conversation about how creativity and responsibility are fundamental for the future of advertising.” says Isa Kurata ACT-Responsible co-founder.

The exhibition, divided in four main galleries: Environment, Solidarity, Human Rights and Education, presents 86 campaigns, created by 67 individual agencies from 29 countries. Among the participating agencies, 37 of them come from 6 different networks, and 30 are independent agencies. Among the 81 represented advertisers, 48 are non-profit organisations, 12 are institutions and government bodies, and 21 are corporations.

Finally, among the showcased campaigns, over a third are case studies, compared to film and print formats. An interesting evolution of agencies’ preferred format to present creative and responsible ideas, due to the digitalisation of the industry, as well as the fact that lately we’ve spent a good part of our lives in lockdown.

“Creating engagement and interactivity is especially important in a digital format. Therefore, during their visit, visitors are encouraged to vote for their favorite campaign, and share them on social media. The campaign with the most collected votes will be honored with an ACT Tribute, celebrating its success with the public.” comments Sophie Guerinet, ACT-Responsible co-founder.

The ACT Tributes will be open for voting until June 30th mid-night, the results will be communicated online on July 5th, 2021.