
Ad Agencies Unite to Spread HOPE

ArabAd staff


Ad Agencies Unite to Spread HOPE

Dubbed the ‘Network of Hope’, 23 Beirut-based advertising agencies and nine agencies from Jordan were asked to spread messages of hope, each under its own signature.

M&C Saatchi, which is Pikasso’s agency since 2000 in Jordan and Iraq, proposed the project that was immediately adopted, explained Antonio Vincenti CEO of Pikasso.

“For the first time in our industry, creative agencies join hand in a common initiative, in this case to spread hope in our country. I would like to thank them for the huge amount of talent and energy they allocated,” he added.

Built around the concept of hope, all posters were plastered on 2,500 4x3 billboards in Lebanon and 200 billboards of same size in Jordan to communicate one unique message, whether in Arabic or English.

Over 30 messages come together in various tones and styles infusing the streets with a sense of play--with words and phrases transforming the outdoor space into a sort of manifesto.

Typographic or pictorial based, straightforward or with layered meanings, all share traits of humour, simplicity, and wit where the eye and mind are always piqued inviting the viewer to think, reflect and celebrate the idea of hope.

Designers have used their creativity to tickle the mind, as each a visual pun that calls for increased interaction with a message where the word hope has come vividly into play, often forcing the viewer to halt and take notice of what is being communicated.

This curiously surprising campaign has startled passers-by and prompted positive reflection. The outcome seem to have widely resonated among the public, as the hashtag #networkofhope shared on social media has revealed hence triggering a full-fledged conversation on the topic.

The team at M&C Saatchi noted: “Our key thought was simple: In the darkest hour, hope should be the strongest. So when you have a great network and the talents to inspire change by spreading messages of hope, you just make it happen.” 

All in all, the utter cleverness of the network of hope has drawn a well-deserved attention and agencies’ own custom-designed missives righteously applauded. Now we hope that this joint approach won’t be the last!