The London International Awards (LIA) has revealed its 2021 winners with the Middle East taking home 10 statues
ArabAd's staff
The prestigious London International Awards (LIA), continuing its tradition of a total focus on creativity has revealed its 2021 winners from across 25 media.
LIA, which was created for creatives, awarded 16 Grand LIAs, 148 Gold, 332 Silver and 467 Bronze winners. There were also 340 finalists who made the shortlist. The high caliber judges from across the planet judged virtually over several weeks; each juror viewed and scored every entry within their medium before meeting together in virtual judging rooms. Each jury along with their president convened virtually for the final round of judging to decide the trophy winners and ensure all work was judged equally through careful deliberations and robust discussions.
In total, 963 LIA statues and 340 finalists were awarded to 53 countries with the United States leading with 217 awards, followed by the United Kingdom with 93, Germany with 92 and Australia with 75 statue winners.
The Middle East took home 10 statues in total. Dubai has been awarded one gold, 3 silver, 5 bronze, and 12 finalists; Lebanon one silver and Egypt one finalist.
From Dubai here are the winners: VMLY&R Dubai took 1 gold for Save the Children’s ‘The last Possessions’ campaign and 1 silver for Colgate campaign; Havas Middle East bagged 1 silver and 1 Bronze for its Liquid Billboard campaign; Memac Ogilvy Dubai won 1 silver and 3 bronze for Ikea ‘Buy with your time’ campaign; M&C Saatchi UAE took 1 bronze for Pizza hut’s ‘Offline hour’ campaign.
From Lebanon, Leo Burnett Beirut won a Silver LIA award for its ABAAD campaign, ’Safety for Safekeepers-Baklava Got Legs’.
The following companies were honored with the 2021 Regional Of The Year Awards for Middle East & Africa:
Regional Network Of The Year: Ogilvy
Regional Agency Of The Year: FP7 McCann, Dubai
Regional Production Company Of The Year: Goldmine Films, Dubai
Regional Independent Agency Of The Year: Promise, Johannesburg
Also it is worth mentioning that this year, Omar Hilal Creative, Cairo, attained a Finalist for Production & Post Production - CGI Animation for Tajawal Travel titled “Caged”.
Barbara Levy, President of LIA, said: “We are always very encouraged when new countries start attaining a standing in our Show. We know that we shall see more great work from Egypt in the coming years.”
This year, 16 GRAND LIAs were awarded:
Publicis Italy, Milan was awarded the Ambient & Activation Grand LIA for Heineken titled “Shutter Ads”
Ogilvy UK, London was awarded the Billboard Grand LIA for Dove titled “Amanda", "Patricia", "Patrick", "ГУЗЕЛЬ"
R/GA California, San Francisco was awarded the Creative Use of Data Grand LIA for Reddit titled “Up The Vote”
Jones Knowles Ritchie, New York was awarded the Design Grand LIA for Burger King titled “Your Way, Way Better”
750mph, London was awarded the Health & Wellness - Craft Grand LIA for Libresse titled “#wombstories”
DAVID, Madrid was awarded the Integration Grand LIA for Burger King titled “Stevenage Challenge”
CANJA Audio Culture, Curitiba was awarded the Music & Sound Grand LIA for Fala Mulher titled “2breakthesilence”
DAVID, Madrid was awarded the Non-Traditional Grand LIA for Burger King titled “Stevenage Challenge”
Burger King was awarded the Online Film Grand LIA for Burger King titled “Moldy Whopper”
Dentsu Inc., Tokyo was awarded the Package Design Grand LIA for Pocky titled “The Gift”
BWM Isobar, Sydney was awarded the Pharma & Medical Grand LIA for Garvan Institute of Medical Research titled “Disease Dilemmas”
Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness, New York was awarded the Pharma & Medical - Craft Grand LIA for Tikkun Olam Makers: TOM titled “The Prescription Paper Pill Bottle”
Burger King was awarded the Print Grand LIA for Burger King titled “Moldy Whopper”
Riff Raff Films, London was awarded the Production & Post-Production Grand LIA for Burberry titled “Festive”
draftLine Colombia, Bogotá was awarded the Transformative Business Impact Grand LIA for Tienda Cerca titled “Tienda Cerca”
BETC Paris, Paris was awarded the TV/Cinema Grand LIA for Lacoste titled “Crocodile Inside”.
To view all the Winners and Finalists with media and full creative credits, visit