Free Talk Manal Naji: ‘I fear the future of this earth and wish we take climate change more seriously’ Meet Manal Naji, senior creative director at Leo Burnett Beirut and join her in her abstract rambles, as she muses...
Advertising Nada Abi Saleh: ‘The challenge is to continue creating in a totally collapsing environment’ The past three years were greatly challenging for Lebanon’s ad business. Nada Abi Saleh, Head of Leo Burnett Beirut, explains...
Advertising ABAAD‘s #NoShameNoBlame outspoken campaign calls for severer sentences for sexual assault crimes in Lebanon
News In Brief Three creatives from the Middle East to partake in the Next Creative Leaders 2022 global jury
Events/Awards Grand Prix awarded to Leo Burnett Beirut for ABAAD at WARC Awards for Effectiveness 2022
Advertising The Lebanese Transparency Association launches the 'Lollar - Currency of Corruption' campaign to remind Lebanese they are #NotPayingthePrice
Events/Awards The London International Awards (LIA) has revealed its 2021 winners with the Middle East taking home 10 statues
Advertising #TheMissingPeace, a one-day campaign to demand the inclusion of women in all peace-building dialogues