Ads of the Week
Bar Ogilvy Lisbon and Amnesty International remind us there is one AI that can protect human rights
ArabAd's staff
During a time when Artificial Intelligence has been redefining our lives with the promise of helping us in various areas and tasks, including the possibility of replacing humans, Amnesty International and Bar Ogilvy Lisbon launch a campaign to remind people of the role humans will always play in advancing human rights.
The ultimate message is that there’s still no technology that can replace people regarding human rights, with one unified tagline placed on each of the visual of the series. It reads: “To protect human rights we can only count on one AI”. Here of course AI refers to Amnesty International, and this campaign has also been designed to celebrate 62 years of the organisation.
In this striking campaign, presented in various media, including digital and press, the inability of platforms such as ChatGPT to address concrete problems and true catastrophes that devastate the lives of several people, all over the world, is made evident.
For Miguel Ralha, Bar Ogilvy Lisbon CEO, “only we, humans, have the power to press, claim, denounce, fight. No technology or algorithm is going to do it for us. That’s what this campaign, in a very simple way, intends to show”.
In addition to the campaign, a landing page was developed with The Chat Powered by People - a chat without a bot, only with people who work at Amnesty International and with whom it is possible to talk and learn a little more about the work of the organization.
Client: Amnistia Internacional
CCO-Partner: José Bomtempo
Creative Directors: João Amaral, Nuno Riça
Art Director: António Duarte
Copywriter: João Freitas
Account Director: Matilde Parreira
Digital Production Director: Sara Fonseca
Web Designer: Frederico Graça
Digital Developer: Nuno Quelhas
TV Producer: Nuno Calado
Prodution Company: Jungle Corner
Prodution: Inês Martins
Editor: Joana Bento