
KFC's Colonel Sanders is introducing his Mrs.


KFC's Colonel Sanders is introducing his Mrs.
KFC Malaysia is celebrating International Women's Day by swapping Colonel Sander's face with that of his wife.

KFC Malaysia. KFC, worked with IPG Mediabrands’ Society and Universal McCann (UM) to replace the iconic illustration of Colonel Sanders. 

On March 8, the face of the day for KFC is Claudia Sanders, Colonel Harland Sanders' second wife. She used to work as a waitress at his restaurant and is said to have helped him turn KFC into an international brand.

"It is hard to imagine but KFC would not be where it is today if not for Claudia, wife of Colonel Sanders," the KFC Malaysia website reads. "While the Colonel created the secret recipe and ran the company, Mrs Sanders mixed and even shipped the spices to restaurants across the country — often late into the night."

KFC isn't the only brand putting the spotlight on women and twisting its corporate identity to celebrate International Women's Day.