Chloé Khattar: 'The future of digital activism in Lebanon is particularly promising' October 17 did not only mark a huge milestone for Lebanon but has also shifted its social media metrics towards...
Gino Raidy: 'Instagram has been awesome and to me the role it’s playing is undeniable' Any active Lebanese Instagram user can easily identify Gino Raidy as the digital man of the moment, always in the...
Lebanon Revolution: The Power of Film Video content has been a vital tool in the fight to not only galvanise support for the protests, but to...
Virtual reality and augmented reality could deliver a $4.1billion boost to the UAE economy by 2030 VR and AR are forecast to contribute $4.1 billion to the UAE economy, a 1% boost to GDP by 2030...
The Revolution is Digital Social media and the emergence of independent online media platforms have helped fuel Lebanon’s protests and reshape the country’s communication...
Najib Sabbagh shines a Mirrorr on the social media market Through the social listening and metadata tool Mirrorr, Najib Sabbagh is helping brands and hoping to bring transparency and honesty...
Programmatic adspend to exceed US$100bn for the first time in 2019 In 2020, 69% of all digital media* will trade programmatically, up from 65% this year, according to Zenith’s Programmatic Marketing...
A focus on search, which share of internet advertising has flatlined WARC, the international marketing intelligence service, has found that investment in search advertising will rise 9.6% this year, to $135.9bn...
10 Lebanese-Born Agencies to Follow on Instagram Just like their in-house talents, creative agencies in Lebanon often find themselves too overwhelmed with their workload to be able...
Top Ten Lebanese Creatives to Follow on Instagram Instagram has always been a platform for creatives to express themselves and showcase elements of their work to a wider...
Lebanon, a digital dream? Beirut’s importance as a digital hub is on the rise. Why? And how can its increasing regional importance be strengthened?
The State of the Industry: Mobile Marketing in EMEA 2019 Mobile is increasingly seen by marketers in EMEA to be an effective marketing channel, but as it continues to be...
Online video viewing to reach 100 minutes a day in 2021 The amount of time people spend viewing online video has grown rapidly across the world, at an average rate of...
The voice Search and Search Ranking Connection To say voice search is the new buzz term in SEO would be somewhat of an understatement. Every digital marketer...
The State of Digital Investments in MENA (2013-2018) For the fourth consecutive year, and with partnership with SME Dubai, Arabnet launched the 4th edition of “The State of...