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Marcel and Match Reveal Seriously Intimate Couples in New "If Commitment is Your Thing" Campaign


Marcel and Match Reveal Seriously Intimate Couples in New "If Commitment is Your Thing" Campaign
This past December, Marcel and client Meetic (part of the European leader in online dating) released a series of short spots in a new campaign, "If Commitment is Your Thing", to support the brand's new platform, "Start Something Real".

While many turn to dating apps for a casual relationship, Match is looking to target a new sector of users, those who are looking for something long-term.
To achieve this, the campaign tricks the viewer, as the short spots start out hot and heavy, insinuating we might be intruding on a private moment of passion. But what we're exposed to isn't; it turns out, young couples in the throes of passion - these couples are engaged in meaningful activities: A man seemingly heating things up with a sexy dance is actually rocking his baby to sleep. Furniture rumbling, a bed knocking up against the wall turns out to be a couple hanging a framed photo together, and what looks like a strip-tease winds up being a woman clearing closet space for her boyfriend. Revealing scenarios of couples sharing intimate moments that illustrate the kind of commitment Match aims to bring in online dating.

"In a society that values casual dating and one-night stands, it feels good to tell the world that more serious relationships and commitment are as cool and sexy," says Youri Guerassimov and Gaetan du Peloux, Executive Creative Directors at Marcel Worldwide.

Directed by Truman & Cooper, this campaign will roll out in France, UK, Italy, Netehrlands, Spain, Sweden and Norway. It is a 360 campaign that will air on TV, radio, social and digital.