Ads of the Week

KFC gets Napkinized

ArabAd staff


KFC gets Napkinized

For decades, KFC has been a brand that has pushed the limits of creativity for the love of its finger lickin’ good chicken. Through its relatable and quirky creative campaigns globally, KFC has not only cemented its place in everyone’s hearts but continues to prove why it is one of the all-time favorite restaurants amongst family and friends in the Middle East.

To stress on its brand essence, TBWARAAD, KFC’s Dubai-based full-service agency, came up with an innovative idea that allows all customers to dig into its chicken with all ease and without having to think of the greasy consequences.

Imagine this: NO cutlery, NO rules, and NO complications at all. Just you, your finger lickin’ good KFC chicken and the ability to clean up – anywhere within your reach. 

Using a special ink-resistant tissue paper, KFC turned their menus, placemats, food bags, posters, flyers, and even their cashier receipts into tissue napkins of different shapes and sizes. A UV printer machine was customized to print on these special napkins and used a special bio-degradable and eco-friendly ink formula so that customers could safely use them.

'NAPKINIZED' has been launched in Dubai and Beirut in February 2020 and is rolling out across more than 87 restaurants in both countries.