Rana Hamarneh: 'We are adjusting and innovating'
Countries around the world are easing up restrictions and so the world is now entering a new phase. Still, and in all honesty, our industry as well as many other industries are navigating an uncertain future. The whole world is feeling the effects of COVID 19 and we are no exception. But for the first time I feel that we are in tune with the whole world. We are in it together.
The pandemic has led to unprecedented public health and economic concerns, and it will transform businesses now and in the future. This transformation will not be limited to how businesses operate but also to how they sustain and grow their brands and customer base.
Agencies in Jordan have a major role to play now, I would say more than ever, and I believe brands are expecting Agencies to lead moving forward. we are expected to help clients sustain their businesses, develop new products that align with the new reality, as well as help them bridge with a new consumer; one with fundamentally new spending and consumption habits while addressing wellness concerns, personal and career fulfillment at a time when the whole country is suffering from an economic crisis.
Having said that, we still have no way of knowing for sure how long this pandemic will last, or what the final outcome will look like on the consumer landscape, but we are watching very closely, and we are adopting to a new normal internally and externally. We are adjusting and innovating with new creative, and a clear shift towards digital and other virtual solutions. All the limitations that we were surrounded with have in fact pushed us – like other Agencies - to find new creative solutions that deliver what will make the brands we represent stand out. During lockdown, we were on high alert and we really moved fast for the sake of our clients. We combined our strategic and creative capabilities to deliver real-time content, yet, this was not limited to pandemic related educational content, but our clients took the opportunity to migrate users to their digital channels,. Messaging varied from one brand to the other, but one thing we got right from the beginning was remaining compassionate, sensitive, and relevant delivering content that triggered a sense of pride, unity and hope when needed, pushing engagement through much needed entertainment.
"The key today is for the work to remain relevant, sensitive with the right tone that resonates well amidst this evolving cultural landscape."
If we watch closely we will see that globally and locally brands are taking a different role, expanding into new fields, providing to meet expectations and advocating new ideologies. The key today is for the work to remain relevant, sensitive with the right tone that resonates well amidst this evolving cultural landscape. Brands need to understand the changing sentiments of consumers, in line with what they are experiencing and what they need at that point in time. And once this is over, the big questions will be how do we communicate with consumers in an effective way after fear subsides and a new normal subsides. For all of us, instinct and expertise are as important as data and facts. We will all emerge from this crisis with new abilities at all fronts. We are listening and watching very closely and we are taking the lead is evaluating how the market is shifting.
Jordan has ended the lockdown, and it is business as usual. But people are asked to keep their social distance at all times. People are going back to life with caution, they will go back to the stores but things they value will be different. There will be a clear tendency towards a less materialistic lifestyle and luxury purchases will be scrutinized. I would assume that some of the acquired new habits will persist, and e commerce will continue to rise, virtual schooling is still an option for the near future, sanitization and the comfort of the living environment and health will remain the priority. Internal tourism will be on the rise as people will still be hesitant to take that trip abroad. Consumers are expecting a lot from their brands, as things are going back to normal, they would expect their brands to show empathy, make less profits, make more impact by creating relevant products that will secure a foot hold in the minds and hearts of the consumers.