Art & Design
The ‘One-Star Cookbook’ by Deliveroo UAE or how delivery disasters were turned into mouthwatering recipes
ArabAd's staff
Dubai-based marketing agency ‿ and us Dubai has produced a special cookbook for Deliveroo UAE, the renowned online food delivery company.
Titled “One-Star Cookbook”, this beautifully crafted book features plenty of dishes inspired by real online one-star reviews of delivery disasters. This is “the book of dishes you won’t get with Deliveroo,” asserts the brand on the back cover of the book. The tone is set.
The book contains 36 unique creations made from real delivery mishaps – reinforcing how important an ingredient the delivery is for any dish. Each dish is designed to act as a vivid reminder of what Deliveroo works tirelessly to avoid – and what drives them to constantly keep improving their customer offering.
“The insight is clear -- when it comes to food delivery, the simple fact is that no matter how good the restaurant, chef, or ingredients — a dish is only as good as how it is delivered. If a dish is messed up in delivery, it’s ruined. It made us think that the delivery itself is a crucial part of the recipe,” said Jamie Kennaway, Executive Creative Director at ‿ and us.
“We know things can go wrong during the delivery process, as the internet full of one-star reviews shows. But Deliveroo is a company that’s always going to try harder to get it right. This is our pledge to our customers and what drives us to constantly improve, whether with driver training or customer service. Sure, we may also get it wrong sometimes, but no one is doing more to make sure our customers are happy… and this is a commitment we won’t waver from,” noted George Schempers, Head of Marketing at Deliveroo.
“Since Deliveroo UAE is so committed to bring dishes the best way possible, we liked the approach instead of showcasing the dishes they strive to deliver, let’s show the ones they strive not to deliver. There are tons of ways to mess a dish up in delivery - bashed, smashed, bumped, spilt, or simply delayed. From reading reviews of how dishes turned up, we gave a likely backstory how each delivery disaster came to be,” commented Fadi Yaish, Founder and Chief Creative Officer at ‿ and us agency.
“Making this book was a process, from writing and design to photography. We really wanted the book to feel like the kind of high-grade design cookbook you would want to keep around. And though it is a little tongue in cheek, we wanted it to be as authentic as possible. Each unique recipe was written to the level of detail of any high-end cookbook, and we then worked with world class food photographer Magali Polverino to bring each dish to life with a little visual magic,” added Yaish.
The book is available to order for free through