Ads of the Week
Swedish energy company makes a shocking call for the climate in new campaign by Welcom
ArabAd's staff
Under the concept "Sustainable Together", the energy company, Göteborg Energi, has been campaigning for a sustainable lifestyle in recent years. This autumn, the campaign takes an unexpected turn when the company suddenly encourages Swedes not to do more for the climate but to do less!
Called "Do Less for the Climate", the campaign is currently running in Sweden in print media, outdoor, digital and on social media. The company is calling people to actually fut a break on over consumerism.
The copy of the campaign reads: "Less shopping, less meat consumption, fewer longer distance trips and smarter use of electricity".
"Over the past year, many have significantly reduced their electricity consumption. We think that’s great, but citizens and businesses need to continue to modify their electricity habits and rethink habitual behaviors in everyday lives," says Anette Myrheim, Communications Director at Göteborg Energi.
This isn't just about people's and companies electricity use but also about reducing the energy consumption associated with traveling, food production, clothing, and other items.
"We don't just need to do more to save the climate; we also need to do less. Less driving, less meat consumption, fewer plastic packages, and fewer long-distance trips, for example," says Eric Zinn, Sustainability Manager at Göteborg Energi.
People need to become more aware that consumption ultimately leads to higher carbon emissions. And Göteborg Energi wants to nudge citizens in the right direction.
"In every choice, we must be a bit wiser and smarter, think differently, or simply refrain. For Gothenburg to achieve climate neutrality by 2030, more people must do less," says Joakim Brinkenberg, Senior Account Director at Welcom.
Göteborg Energi's campaign 'Do Less for the Climate' runs as full-page ads, out of home, digital and social media.
Jonas Sjövall, Creative Director
Niclas Hallgren, Copywriter
Sofia Andersson, Assistant Art Director
Joakim Brinkenberg, Account Director
Caroline Möller, Account Manager