#TheMissingPeace, a one-day campaign to demand the inclusion of women in all peace-building dialogues
ArabAd's staff
Today on Nov 15th, for one day only, Tweets coming out from Lebanon, the region and globally, will be missing half their letters in a campaign for UN Women Lebanon, the United Nations’ entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women.
Through #TheMissingPeace campaign, which was developed by team at Leo Burnett Beirut, and these dysfunctional tweets, UN Women Lebanon aims to trigger heightened awareness about a crucial issue, one that will bring about change for all Lebanese citizens.
For years, the fate of this country and its people has been in the hands of half of the population: Men.
Indeed, 50% of the Lebanese society is not represented in peace building dialogues, as it is lacking women, who happen to be excluded from the decision processes that govern their lives and country.
The goal is for everyone to realize that women are essential partners and decision-makers in any peace-building dialogue taking place in Lebanon, or anywhere for that matter.
To show the world the true impact of excluding women from the dialogue, it has been decided to exclude 50% of letters from broadcast, print, and online communication coming out of Lebanon today.
One example is the today's edition of An Nahar newspaper, which has all its articles and headlines on the front page missing 50% of their letters, with a full back cover literally stating in Arabic that woman is not a missing letter.
Involving everyone through one small but powerful action can help ensure that the country’s decisions and negotiations represent 100% of Lebanese society, hence denounce the exclusion of 50% of the population from national dialogues and demand the participation of women in all peace building negotiations.
So to help women in Lebanon get a bigger share of voice, all one needs to do is create #TheMissingPeace tweet or retweet the UN Women Lebanon tweet.