
ABAAD‘s #NoShameNoBlame outspoken campaign calls for severer sentences for sexual assault crimes in Lebanon

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ABAAD‘s #NoShameNoBlame outspoken campaign calls for severer sentences for sexual assault crimes in Lebanon

6 out of 10 women who were sexually assaulted in Lebanon did not report the crime due to considerations relating to dignity and honor. While 75% of women considered sexual assault primarily a physical and psychological assault on women, 71% stated that the society considers it an attack on the family's honor.

In this national statistical study conducted by Resource center for gender equality ABAAD on sexual assault crimes in Lebanon, statistics reveal the extent to which women who are subjected to sexual violence resort to reporting such violence, and the reasons for abstaining from reporting.

The reasons for these horrendous statistics demand a story of their own.  A story Lebanese NGO ABAAD is empowered to rewrite over and over till change is effectively made.

Ghida Anani, Director of ABAAD, explains: "Unfortunately, sexual assault crimes in Lebanon are still linked to honor, dignity, and shame. It is important to address these crimes independently from society’s deep-rooted stereotypes, and to deal with them firmly."

This study is part of a national campaign entitled #NoShameNoBlame ("#لا_عرض_ولا_عار"), which is launched by ABAAD on the occasion of the 16 International Days of Activism campaign to end Violence Against Women and Girls.

Part of the campaign is an awareness advertising spot that is running on local television and across social channels. The film, created in collaboration with Leo Burnett team, reiterates the message that "rape isn't taboo; rape is a crime."


In parallel to the film, on November 26, women took to the street of Beirut, raising their voice in front of the Lebanese parliament in Nejmeh Square, demanding stronger sanctions against perpatrators of sexual assaults.


Women were dressed in black and holding signs banners, which looked more like sheets, that read among other slogans: "Rape is a crime," "Dear MPs Punish My Abuser", "A Serious Sentence For A Serious Crime" and "For a punishment commensurate with the crime." The taglines written in red were purposely drawn to look like blood.

The demonstrators also raised their fists and chanted slogans such as "Tougher penalties! Strengthen the sentences! This crime must be prosecuted!"

Among the demonstrators, Nour Arida, the Lebanese influencer who stars in the first episode of a series of 4 videos titled 'Mamno3a menel 3ared', which literally translates to 'Forbidden from exposure' in Arabic--the story that is forbidden to be told.

The second episode is set to be launched on December 1. 

Abaad, which previously worked on abolishing Article 522 of the Lebanese Penal Code, has tirelessly raised its voice through plainspoken and blunt campaigning to demand serious and severe sentences for sexual assault crimes, which would allow preventing them.

“We count on the legislature in Lebanon to approve the proposed amendments and provide every survivor and victim of those crimes the justice they deserve," Anani added.

The current sentence for sexual offenders, according to Article 205, includes just “up to four years in prison and fines up to 50 times the minimum wage.”

ABAAD continues to coordinate with all relevant parliamentarian blocs in the Lebanese Parliament to submit the proposed legal amendments of Chapter Seven of the Lebanese Penal Code.