Ads of the Week
TNA and Orange Egypt invite people to keep cheering in latest AFCON campaign
ArabAd's staff

Titled “If it brings us luck, we will do it”, the campaign is designed to capture the essence of optimism and resilience, emphasizing the universal human tendency to hold on to habits that bring luck.
Drawing on the insight that people persist in cheering with whatever brings them luck, Orange has created a dynamic and engaging campaign featuring 10 distinct narratives.
Each narrative explores various comical situations where characters, both optimistic and pessimistic, find themselves attached to a person, object, or location that they believe brings them luck.
Orange's commitment to connecting people and fostering a sense of unity is evident in the creative execution of the campaign, aiming to tell stories that transcend borders and resonate with audiences across diverse communities.
The “If it brings us luck, we will do it” campaign is rolled out across various media channels, including television, digital platforms, and OOH.
Basel El Deeb; Hazem El Saadani
Client: Maha Nagy, Aisha Bassyouny, Nada El Damaty, Yasmeen Ahmed, Laila Attallah
Creatives: Hossam Akil, Mazen Nawar, Mohamed El-Lewa, Eslam Biga, Samah Khedr, Omnia Ramzy
Accounts: Donia Kassem, Mariam Maged, Ashraqat Khalid, Layla Ramadan, Omar Weheiba
Director: Amr Haddad
Director’s Producer: Dalia Arafa
DOP: Hamzoon
Production Designer: Eslam Hassan
Art Director: Fatma el Nahas
Stylist: Yasmin EL Tazi
1st AD: Mostafa Yehia
2nd AD: Carlos Khalil
3rd AD: Sara Abdallah
Sound Engineer: Khaled Bebo
STB Artist: Mohamed Magdy
Casting Agency: Keeva
Focus Puller: Adnan abd el hak
Video Assist: Ahmed Nasr
Panther: Tookhy
Gaffer Team: My Gaffer
Butter Films Team
Executive Producers: Omar Hamdy / Mahmoud Derbala
Producer: Shereen Moussa
Line Producer: Omar Pasha
Assistant producer: Raneem Franco / Omar Kerdany
Post Producer: Omar Antar
Head of Production: Waleed Abd el Salam
Production Manager: Mahmoud Raafat
Barber shop
Editor: Amr Rabie
Assistant editor: Dareen Arafa
Osama Bendary; Nesrine Talaat
Grading gendy
Online: Ahmed Sobhy
Finalizing: Amrlaz
Nouran Tawfik
Music: Amr Galal
Sound Design: Hosni Aly; Nesma Sadek
VO: Essam Seif

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